Clover UK partnered with Liberis to help support their customer’s growth plans

“We’re pleased to be able to continue to offer our merchants a simple and transparent funding solution where funds can be with them in less than 2 working days. We look forward to growing our partnership with Liberis in 2023, making sure Clover’s smart payment and commerce solutions continue to help businesses thrive.” 

Dave Benfield, Director – Business Development & Strategy

The Challenge

Finding the right funding solution for Clover's merchants

Clover UK wanted to find a funding solution for their merchants where they could support the growth of their businesses whilst helping them during quieter transacting periods. Partnering with an embedded finance provider gave them the ability to do this by offering them revenue-based finance.

The Solution

Embedded finance to the rescue

Clover UK looked at multiple providers to find the best fit for them and their merchants.

“Liberis stood out due to the simplicity of their offering” –

Clover wanted to make sure the process was easy for their merchants, and that they would receive their funds quickly.
Clover noted that revenue-based payments are a great feature as their merchants only pay back in correlation with how much revenue they generated in that period. This gives their merchants the comfort of knowing they only pay back as customers pay them along with the knowledge that there’s no accumulating interest on the advance due to the fixed fee.

“We’re pleased to be able to continue to offer our merchants a simple and transparent funding solution where funds can be with them in less than 2 working days. We look forward to growing our partnership with Liberis in 2023,…

Dave Benfield, Director – Business Development & Strategy

The Result

Clover’s customers see uplift in average monthly revenues

Clover saw an uplift in the average monthly card revenues for some merchants that took out Revenue Finance. This was as a result of their merchants using those business funds for a range of things such as buying inventory, expanding/renovating the premises, and bringing in new staff members to name just a few.
Clover UK’s partnership with Liberis has had strong and consistently improving results. The results are amazing.

Together we have provided over £35m in funding to hundreds of Clover’s merchant with this amount growing each year.

the future

The Future

Clover anticipates further growth in their partnership with Liberis throughout 2023 and beyond. They have laid the groundwork throughout 2022 and plan to continue their momentum into the New Year.

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